Strategic Marketing
We believe that marketing can only be effective if it strategically underpins the company's goals. It is critical therefore that for your marketing you clearly establish your goals, identify your audience and plan the execution. To help you do this we offer the following:
Strategic Marketing Consultancy:
To formulate a successful marketing campaign demands the co-ordination and application of skills and knowledge across a range of specialised areas of operation. But before we move into campaign planning, it is important that we have explored every angle of your business and appreciate your organisation’s strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The combined experience of both Geoff Cook and Pim van Baarsen will always be on hand to guide you through the process and help identify the best options to achieve your business objectives.
Brand Strategy and Definition:
Over the years, we have successfully managed the brand images of many professional businesses. Whether it has been creating awareness or changing brand perceptions, we have always had one aim in mind: to enable you to sell more products or services. We will help you identify the uniqueness of your offering and we will know where, when and how to tell your target audience about it. We have taken brands from the backwater to the mainstream and from the national stage to the international. With over 30 years of combined experience in brand management and development, CMA is perfectly placed to assist you.
Marketing Systems:
Effective use of your company’s databases, mailing lists and marketing resources can have an enormous impact on your company’s profitability. At CMA, we can assist in the development of new systems and technologies to aid your business, whether this concerns CRM, e-commerce or the latest web technologies.
Additional Strategic Products and Services: