10 November 2015
Tis the season to be…WEALTHY
With Halloween now over and Christmas fast approaching it’s time to dust away the cobwebs and get into the festive spirit. This is the best time to get in touch with all of your contacts with no sales pitch in sight. Find out the...
READ MORE10 November 2015
“Can I interest you in a new logo, sir?”
Continuing on a branding theme, where last issue we discussed the merits of developing a a strapline, a number of people have asked about the creation of a logo, as they felt that it’s this that draws attention to the strapline in...
READ MORE10 November 2015
VW: The Way Forward
VAG are facing some challenging times. Fines, legal challenges and a global product recall all await, but it might be their marketing and PR department who have the biggest job on their hands. We have a look at the strategy and...
READ MORE06 October 2015
A Guide to Guerrilla Marketing
There are many marketing strategies that companies can use, but depending on your business some may be more relevant than others. If you are a small business this may just be the strategy for you.
READ MORE06 October 2015
Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink
You don’t have to be approaching retirement to recognize the famous line from one of Monty Python’s more risqué sketches about the sex-starved lad-about-town and the suburban commuter. It’s one of those sketches whose strapline...
READ MORE06 October 2015
The End for VW?
Oh dear, oh dear, Volkswagen Audi Group (VAG) have made a mess of it, haven’t they? By now, you will have heard about the fact that they have been accused of, and have admitted to, falsifying emissions test data for their diesel...
READ MORE10 September 2015
Kirsty Takes on Stonehenge
On Saturday 5th September, Kirsty Young, 22 from CMA Marketing, took on a demanding trek from Salisbury, along medieval trading routes, rolling hills, steep valleys and past Stonehenge as part of a fundraising effort for...
READ MORE10 September 2015
Be Prepared
As “show season” will be upon us before we know it, we thought it made sense to provide a little reminder on how to make the most of your shows and help you prepare.
READ MORE10 September 2015
One Moment Caller, I’ll Just Put You Through
One of the biggest problems faced by companies that trade in with other businesses (B2B, in marketing-speak) is how to follow up contacts for new business.
READ MORE13 August 2015
Marketing With The Stars (Part 3)
Over the last two editions, we’ve discussed the fluctuation of the Top Gear brand following a change of management/presenters and we learned something from Kim Kardashian. Kim may be a very modern operator when it comes to the...
READ MORE13 August 2015
Surfing the Cultural Wave
This week we are riding the cultural wave and explaining the increasingly popular phenomenon which is ‘News Jacking’. It’s not accidental, however, very ironic, that I used the term ‘riding the cultural wave’ after we have seen...
READ MORE13 August 2015
The Pedants are Revolting
For the past ten years at least – probably since the turn of the century – anyone with the remotest interest in English grammar will have noticed how the correctness of the written word is being eroded.
READ MORE07 July 2015
The 5 steps to E-mail Ecstasy – Part 3
In this third and final part of achieving e-mail ecstasy, we reveal the final “to-do’s” before commencing on your new successful e-mail campaign. In parts 1 and 2 we discussed how to define your audience, set yourself goals and...
READ MORE07 July 2015
What Will the Top Gear Brand Be Like Under Chris Evans?
Like us at CMA, we are sure there are many of you who have been avid viewers of the BBC’s most profitable (and arguably most popular) TV programme; Top Gear. As change is now afoot, we are wondering whether Chris Evans will be...
READ MORE06 July 2015
Kirsty takes on Stonehenge
Kirsty, 22 from CMA Marketing is taking part in a demanding trek from the north of Salisbury, along medieval trading routes, rolling hills and steep valleys to Stonehenge as part of a fundraising effort for Alzheimer’s Society.
READ MORE09 June 2015
What We Can Learn From Kim Kardashian. No, Really.
If an alien were to land on earth with no prior knowledge of our species, it would probably soon believe that our beloved Kim Kardashian (Kim K for ease of use) is one of the most talented people on the planet.
READ MORE09 June 2015
The 5 steps to E-mail Ecstasy – Part 2
Last month we started talking about the five steps to create a successful e-mail strategy, and we talked about the importance of defining your audience. As this is part 2 we’re optimistically assuming that you’ve done that and are...
READ MORE12 May 2015
Who Ya Gonna Call?
Marketing is a very broad term and people often wonder exactly what it is we do. To explain, we thought we’d give you a sneaky peak behind the scenes to see the large variety of jobs that we have been working on this month.
READ MORE12 May 2015
The Election's Over...Situation Normal...Or Is It?
So the election is over and I’m sure most of you will be relieved that we no longer have to watch endless news coverage of politicians and manifestos. However, we do think it’s worth considering how this affects your business and...
READ MORE12 May 2015
The 5 steps to E-mail Ecstasy
Having a good strategy is the single most important part of sending out an email campaign and without one you can expect poor results and disasters consequences. To prevent this we have laid out some easy steps on how you can...
READ MORE14 April 2015
CMA and AeroCatch celebrate 10 years of success
In 2005, Specialty Fasteners of Totnes in Devon, had come to a point in their fourteen year history where they were about to make a breakthrough in motorsport panel fastening.
READ MORE14 April 2015
The Google Update: Mobilegeddon?
Many of you will have heard that Google is soon introducing a new update to their search algorithm, and apparently it will spell the end for all things non-mobile. A positive “mobilegeddon” if you will. But is it really the...
READ MORE14 April 2015
It's All About the Looks
We all enjoy reading reports with lots of facts and figures and numbers and statistics, right? Wading through stacks of paper, trying to make sense of it all, who doesn’t love that? If this first sentence describes you to a tee,...
READ MORE10 March 2015
How long is a piece of string?
One of the most common marketing challenges we have found, that tests the owners of businesses, is that of setting a budget for marketing, because of the many ways there are to set about it.
READ MORE10 March 2015
Helping Lifeline move fire safety on
It’s not every day (or week, come to that!) that we become involved with launching a product that is destined to become a game-changer in its field.
READ MORE09 February 2015
Untangling the web
It’s not often that we are approached by a start-up business that has a crystal clear idea of its market and the direction it wants to go in for growth.
READ MORE09 February 2015
It’s not about the looks
Over the years, we’ve come across a great many examples of marketing work where functionality has been sacrificed for design, and especially recently we seem to come across this more and more.
READ MORE09 February 2015
To Be (responsive) or Not To Be (responsive), That Is the Question
These days, virtually all website providers are pushing responsive websites. So what exactly is a responsive website and do you really need one?
READ MORE20 January 2015
City-Based Niche Recruitment Company Chooses CMA
Executive search specialists, ETC Search Ltd, launched in September 2014, hired CMA to handle their branding and launch material.
READ MORE20 January 2015
Autosport International Round Up
It will come as no surprise that the run up to the Autosport International show is one of the busiest times of the year for CMA. Europe’s largest motorsport show, held at the NEC in Birmingham every January, is a must-attend for...
READ MORE20 January 2015
Shooting to Thrill
A few months ago, CMA embarked on a video production project for BTB Exhausts. The aim was to produce three videos showcasing BTB expertise in their key areas of motorsport, historic and engineering.
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